GENEralized model for SImulating Shoreline change


GENESIS is a shoreline response numerical modeling system. The model
is adopted as the official shoreline change model of US Army Corps of Engineers.
There are an estimated 1,000 users around the world. The system has the following

Accounts for shoreline change by longshore sediment transport gradients

The longshore extent is about 5 to 100 km

The temporal extent is about 1 to 20 years


Model Capabilities:

Internal wave transformation module

Almost arbitrary numbers of groins, detached breakwaters, beach fills & seawalls

Almost any combination of structures & beach fills

Bypassing & transmission of sand at groins & jetties

Multiple diffraction from structures

Multiple wave trains

Wave transmission through detached breakwaters

Tombolo development inside detached breakwaters

Sediment transport from breaking waves combined with other currents (tidal, wind,...)

Accounts for pre-specified stable regional or local contours

Algorithm for variable, time-dependent transmission coefficient


Model Limitations:

No wave reflection

No tombolo development

No provision for changing tide level

Sediment transport produces by wave-generated currents only.

Basic limitations of shoreline change modeling theory

GENESIS has been developed in cooperation between:


Dept. of Water Resources Engineering (TVRL)

Lund Institute of Technology, University of Lund

Lund, Sweden


Coastal and Hydaulics Laboratory (former CERC)

US Army Waterways Experiment Station

Vicksburg, MS, USA



Other items:

 A selection of my GENESIS related publications may be found here.

 Visit the GENESIS-95 home page

Hans Hanson's Homepage

Water Resources Engineering Homepage

Last update: 05-05-10